Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dear Livejournal,

Right now I need to release some frustration I have for certain aspects of the internet and, unfortunately, my life. For the last almost three years I have been the not-so-proud owner of a MySpace. I know there's really nothing to be ashamed of, especially now that EVERYONE has one. Back in the day only the most hip, trendy, scene and emo kids had one. I'm aware that I'm being mean and stereotyping or some shit, but who fucking cares. Anyway, MySpace has blown up and I'm fine with that. It's refreshing to blatantly talk about "that message he sent me" or how "I can't believe she added you and not me" or "that comment you left me was hilarious". It's fun to leave your good friends funny, stupid comments, and it's even better to pretend your 500 plus friends are people you actually like or for that matter remember. Commenting about how we need to hang out is so much better then calling someone and saying that. Because really, if you actually called them, that means you are actually going to have to hang out with them. And we both know that's not what you want. MySpace allows you to have those friends without having to do anything. It's beautiful. Well as least I think it is. I hate meeting people, making friends, remembering names, calling anyone, etc. etc. To me awkward small talk is the worst. I'd rather stay at home alone and stare at a wall. My A.D.D. won't allow me to do that so instead I tag along with my friends and pretend to know who they're talking about- or not. Sometimes I just don't worry about it. But when I'm in the crowd and I don't really know anyone, I just start making fun of them. They just don't know it. Again, it's beautiful.
Moving on, MySpace isn't my main target here. Livejournal is. I'm a little newer to Livejournal, but not by much. I usually never update- every few months or so. They're not really ever too serious, or too funny. They're not really too much of anything. I keep checking my Livejournal because of all my friends. They update about their lives and I read about them. Usually I'm not a part of any of the stories, mostly because of where I live right now. I wish I could delete both my MySpace and my Livejournal, but I really don't think I can. I'm too addicted to knowing what's going on. I need to know, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with me. I just enjoying knowing. Knowing what? Nothing special. Just knowing. It's pretty much impossible to surprise me.
Anyway... some of my friend are getting pretty emo on LJ.

The vague and suggestive comments are sometimes just so stupid- it's just fucking gay. Stop insinuating that you're hurt or angry and just say it. And while you're at it, throw some names in there too. Nothing will ever happen or be resolved if you never really give any info out. Just tell us what's up. The thing is too many times I already know exactly what you're talking about so your sneaky, pretentious, clever post has just gone to waste. And if it's so personal you don't want to reveal names then don't tell us at all. We don't care that much anyways. We were just being nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you sound hot . . . what a blog babe

9:08 PM  

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