Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Salute #1

OK, so I've had a lot of time to think about this post, but I still guarantee that it will most likely suck. I've decided it's time to give respect to where it's really needed. There are so many things we take for granted in this life and it makes me sick. There's such a difference between being told about something or "knowing-it-all" (because some people just Fucking Know Everything) and seeing it first hand or, dare I say, experience it! Now this is a super lame story, but true nevertheless. It made me think for a second, which usually doesn't happen. I usually brush those feeling off like whoa. Anyway, I come home from shopping for shit and sure enough my roommate's dog has gone crazy. He usually always has some sort of surprise for us and tonight it was a good one (but believe me I've seen better). We walk in and everything seems completely normal- then we look into the kitchen. The trash is all over everywhere. It was disgusting! There was so much fast food all over the place and it smelled SO BAD. It just made me think about how little that was compared to like all of America's trash. Oh, the landfills!
But we're not here to talk about trash; we're here to appreciate the unappreciated. My first salute is to the oh-so-available, all-too-well-known, the cute, the lovable, the average: The Normal Dude! I know, I know: Best Week Ever already gave them their own week, but let's get serious, these guys deserve so much more! They're totally adorable, super reliable and always there to compliment a girl when she's feeling down. We always try to get with the Cool Guy, Bad Boy, etc. etc. But in the end, who's really gonna be there for you? That's right: The Normal Dude. Give it up; you know they deserve it. I want to single out a couple of the best Normal Dudes out there.

Normal Dude #1

That's Buster Olney. Here's a few reasons why he absolutely rocks my world.
1. He's real name is Robert Stanbury Olney III. How sweet is that?
2. His nickname is Buster. It's so cute I think I'm gonna throw up.
3. He's worked for The New York Times, currently writes for ESPN: The Magazine and frequently appears on Baseball Tonight, which I used to watch religiously (when my team didn't suck).
4. Speaking of my team: He's a total expert on the New York Yankees and wrote a book about them in 2004.

Normal Dude #2

That's Matt Moline. He's the King of The Normal Dudes.
1. He owns a IT consulting firm, which means he's a total cute dork.
2. He's Kathy Griffin's husband and puts up with her shit. 'Nuff said.
He only needs two reasons; that's how normal he is!

To all the Normal Dudes out there: Thank you for everything. You rule!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So am I a Normal dude? I hope so...

10:01 AM  
Blogger girl. said...

you're better than a normal dude, pah-leez!

1:01 AM  

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