Thursday, March 01, 2007

"My life is a septic tank filled to overflowing."- JG

OK, even though February wasn't that long of a month I sure think it felt long. Working doubles sucks, midterms suck, and as you should have been able to guess by now I live my life believing almost everything sucks. You didn't guess that though did you. You suck. In which case I suck too. Writing (among other things) gets pushed to the back burner when my life gets the least bit stressful. The things that I focus during those hard times includes, but is not limited to: watching television (not analyzing or studying the history of it like a good communication student), staying up late for absolutely no good reasonable reason (instead of ....SLEEPING), eating fast food like they were outlawing it tomorrow (instead of ...actually I always do this so I don't know what other alternatives are out there) and drinking while studying for the before mentioned sucky midterms (is that what average people do?) Despite all of that stupid shit February is over! Time to spend time with what really matters....which I guess means the World Wide Web and celebrity-like figures I'll never meet. Therefore I think it's time for another Salute. This is for all the famous people that no one thinks about, you are the perfect combination of star power and Normal Dude, go you!!

John Hodgman

Probably best known with kids my age for being the PC guy or that dude who's on Jon Stewart sometimes, Hodgman is a funny guy who just so happens to be smart too. His book is ridiculously ridiculous and he is an amazing expert of basically everything on The Daily Show. Plus when he's not all PC-ed out, he's pretty cute. On a side note, in real life he uses a Mac.

Joel Godard

Joel doesn't need much of an introduction and I'd like it if no one tried because it won't be anywhere as awesome as when he does it. Born in 1938, Joel is the announcer for Late Night with Conan O'Brien and also part of some hilarious sketches. It's amazing because Conan's pretty much the only thing on his resume, but that's all you need I guess.